Did you know that August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month? This month was created to help educate the world on the emotional and psychological impacts of hair loss on men and women. It also seems like the most appropriate time to talk about the different types of treatments available for the 80 million Americans who are suffering from hair loss. Hair loss can result from trauma, immune disorders or nutritional deficiencies—for these cases it’s possible for a person to regain a full head of hair after rest and recovery. On the other hand, for other disorders like Male Pattern Baldness or alopecia, there’s no cure or treatment for hair to grow back. For many people suffering from hair loss, they’re tried every solution there is, to no avail.
Luckily, cosmetic surgical procedures like Hair Restoration Surgery and PRP Micro-needling are effective enough to permanently restore a full head of hair to men and women.
What’s PRP Micro-needling for hair loss?
PRP Micro-needling incorporates your body’s own platelet rich plasma (PRP) into a Rejuvapen treatment by using micro-needling to infuse the PRP into the scalp. This can help to treat Male Pattern Baldness by introducing your own body’s growth factors and stem cells into the scalp to promote hair follicle regeneration and stimulate new blood flow to the hair follicles. This is a no-downtime procedure that can be done in isolation or used as an adjunctive treatment with hair restoration surgery. Best results are often seen with a series of treatments.
What’s Hair Restoration Surgery?
When it comes to Male Pattern Baldness, hair follicles on the back and the side of the head are unaffected by the hormonal changes that lead to hair loss. Through “donor dominance,” these hair follicles can be moved surgically to the top and front of the head and still grow hair. After your Hair Restoration Surgery is done, you’ll have the ability to grow a permanent, natural, full head of hair.
What’s “Follicular Unit Extraction?”
Follicular Unit Extraction involves extracting individual hair follicles from the back and the side of the head and implanting them follicle-by-follicle into hairless areas.
What’s “Follicular Unit Transfer?”
Follicular Unit Transfer involves taking a strip of hair bearing skin from the back of the scalp and dividing it into thousands of individual grafts. These are then implanted into the bald areas.
How Long Will It Take to Recover?
Recovery is generally quick (around 1 week); however, depending on the progression of your hair loss, you might have one or two more sessions to maximize your hair restoration.
What’s Special at the New Orleans Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery?
New Orleans Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery’s Dr. Velargo uses a specialized technique that distinguishes his hair restoration surgery from others. Dr. Velargo often uses PRP Micro-needing to the scalp as an adjunctive treatment to hair restoration follicular surgery to enhance the results and stimulate hair growth and scalp health.
If you’re tired of suffering from hair loss and want a permanent solution, contact the New Orleans Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery now for a consultation on hair restoration surgery.