
Liposuction Recovery

While most people think that liposuction isn’t an invasive surgery, don’t be fooled. Liposuction is a serious surgery that requires a serious recovery period. The Liposuction procedure involves creating multiple incisions and suctioning off a substantial amount of fat—not exactly the types of things you can immediately recover from. Recovery might seem long, but it’s important to take your time with resting. Sticking to your doctor’s orders on your recovery plan is imperative to help prevent serious complications down the line, and it will ultimately make your life easier.

Take It Easy

The length of your recovery will depend on the extent of your procedure. Usually, it’s advised that patients take 1-2 weeks off work to fully recuperate from the procedure.

Your Incisions

Even though the incisions created by liposuction are smaller than the ones for other plastic surgery procedures, they still need to be cared for to prevent infection and excessive bleeding. Your incisions should be cleaned with mild soap and water, but you should avoid taking a bath and soaking your incisions until the sutures are removed or dissolved. If you happen to have any non-dissolvable sutures, your doctors can remove them during one of your follow-up appointments.

Keep It Cool

You should avoid excessive sun or heat exposure during your recovery. Sun exposure can affect how your incisions can heal and can make them darker, while excessive heat can worsen swelling and bleeding on healing tissue.

Compression Garments

These compression garments have a much more important job than your regular pair of Spanx. Plastic surgeons give their patients compression garments after liposuction for a variety of reasons:

-They provide support for your body

-Maintain the shape of your body contouring

-Stop bleeding from maintained pressure

-Reduces swelling

-Improves circulation

-Reduces bruising

Supplies Galore

Over the years, plastic surgery patients have noted a few supplies that have been especially helpful when it comes to liposuction recovery:

-Protein shakes and easy to prepare meal replacements

-Loose, comfortable clothing that can be closed from the front

-Lots and lots of icepacks

-Body wipes

-Stool softener

-Arnica (to reduce bruising)

Keep Moving

Although it is advised for patients to avoid exercise and any strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks, it’s also advised that you do your best to move around when you can. Walking around gently is a great way to prevent blood clots from forming after liposuction, which is a serious complication that should be greatly avoided.

By now, you should be ahead of the game when it comes to knowing everything about liposuction recovery. If you’re ready, contact a renowned plastic surgery practice like the New Orleans Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery for a consultation.