Category Archives: Embrace RF

  1. Guide to Choosing the Best Facial Rejuvenation Procedures for You

    Today, when you’re bothered by the signs of facial aging, you have more options to choose from than ever before. How do you decide among the many facial rejuvenation options to select the one—or the combination—that will best address your needs? Here’s a brief summary of available treatments and some suggestions for making your choice…. Read More

  2. Introducing Embrace RF – You’re Going to Love it!

    A groundbreaking device which is revolutionizing the aesthetic industry is here in New Orleans. EmbraceRF is a non-surgical treatment which addresses jowling, the jawline, and the neck area. Although there are multiple minimally invasive procedures which treat the effects of an aging face, few do so with predictable and long-lasting results. Many cosmetic devices marketed… Read More