
Can Massage Improve Your CoolSculpting Results?

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary fat reduction procedure that is considerably less aggressive and invasive than other body sculpting methods. Unlike liposuction, where recovery may take a week or more, CoolSculpting is a gentler approach that requires no downtime.

Studies have indicated a massage after CoolSculpting can help optimize its benefits. At New Orleans Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery, we follow the facts. However, we don’t stop there to ensure maximum results from your treatment. Consider this your guide to realizing the best possible results from CoolSculpting.

What Is the Best Technique for Improving CoolSculpting Outcomes?

Since CoolSculpting isn’t a replacement for sensible lifestyle habits like a balanced diet and regular exercise, combining your fat-freezing sessions with healthy choices will help you reach your goals sooner.

Since CoolSculpting damages fat cells, your body’s natural response will be inflammation. However, this process could take up to a month to complete after treatment. So, to achieve the most out of your experience, a series of lymphatic massages can eliminate dead fat cells faster and more efficiently. A massage therapist will use specific techniques to move accumulated fluids from your tissues to your lymph nodes, which alleviates swelling.

How Does Your Body Break Down Fat After CoolSculpting?

Think of your lymphatic system as a secondary circulatory system running throughout your body. Two of its prominent roles are to drain swelling and eliminate anything you need to dispose of, like the byproducts of normal cell function or broken-down parts of fat cells that have died due to CoolSculpting.

Your lymphatic system gathers extra fluid, breaks down fat cells, and delivers them back to the bloodstream. Next, your liver’s job is to break down any remaining bits of fat cells. Then, your kidneys excrete anything your liver can’t handle.

Since staying hydrated is a critical factor in overall health and wellness, it’s essential after your CoolSculpting treatment. Drinking plenty of water can help your body flush away your fat cells more quickly, while assisting your body’s natural healing process.

Explore CoolSculpting in New Orleans

The New Orleans Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery specialists are board-certified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in face, nose, breast, and body procedures. Call us at (504) 533-8848 or contact us today to learn more about how CoolSculpting or other treatments can benefit you and your cosmetic goals.